These Terms of Use and any documents mentioned here specify the terms and conditions that allow you to use our website (luxurylashonly.com), (our website). Using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms of use and abide by these terms of use.

These terms of use will be effective from JAN. 1ST, 2023.

Please read these terms of use carefully. We recommend that you print out a copy of this Terms of Use and any future versions of them for your records, as we may update them from time to time.

If for any reason you do not agree to these terms of use or do not wish to be bound by these terms, you may not access or use our website.

1.Your responsibility to others who use your device or internet connection to visit our website

You must ensure that anyone visits our website on your computer or device, or is allowed or able to access our website on your computer or device, or anyone using your internet connection knows these terms of use and the And all other documents, and these people also agree to be bound by these terms of use and to abide by these terms of use. If for any reason, these people do not agree to these Terms of Use or do not want to be bound by them, they must not visit or use our website, and you must not allow them to do so.

2.Other documents concerning your use of our website

In addition to these terms of use, your use of our website is also subject to the following documents:

Our privacy policy is available at veyelashfactory.com. Our privacy policy governs our use of your information. It lists the types of information we collect, the reasons for collection, how to use them, where they can be passed to any third party, under what circumstances and for what reasons, and any other relevant information related to use and use. / Or the right to process your information and related to your information.

Our Cookie Policy is available on luxurylashonly.com. Our Cookie Policy controls our use of cookies and similar technologies on the website. It lists the types of cookies we use, the purposes for which they are used, our placement of cookies on your computer, device or browser, and other relevant information related to cookies, such as how to change browser preferences and accept or reject cookies setting. By accessing and using our website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in these terms of use, and you acknowledge that we will process your information in accordance with our privacy policy and based on our use of cookies and similar technologies policy.

If you do not agree with the terms of these terms of use, you must not use our website.

3.Usability of our website

We do not make any statements, nor provide the following guarantees:

The website will be available at any specific time or from any specific geographic location;

Your visit to this website will be continuous or uninterrupted; or

The website will be accessible or optimized on all browsers, computers, tablets, phones, or viewing platforms.

We reserve the right to suspend access to all or part of the website for any reason, including for business or operational reasons, such as improving the appearance or function of the website, updating content, regularly maintaining, or recognizing any problems we encounter. Whenever we anticipate the need to suspend access to the site for a considerable period of time, we will attempt to provide you with advance notice to the extent reasonably practicable.

4.We may change these terms of use and other documents

We reserve the right to update these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, our Cookies Policy, and any other documents mentioned in these documents from time to time. We may change our terms of use and other documents for any reason, including:

Reflect any changes in the way we conduct business;

Taking into account any changes we have made to the website, including but not limited to any new functions or features we provide, any adjustments to the way we provide you with notices, or any changes to the content, purpose or availability of the website;

Accurately describe our current data-processing activities so that you can keep abreast of our latest practices;

Inform you of any changes in the way we use cookies or similar information collection technologies; or

To ensure that our documents comply with and maintain compliance with all current and future applicable laws, regulations, and official guidelines.

If required by law, we will notify you of any changes to the documents on the website by posting notices on the website and/or by publishing updated versions of these terms of use or other similar terms, and other documents mentioned therein, and The new effective date is indicated at the beginning.

By continuing to visit our website after we update the terms of use, sales terms, and/or user content agreement, you agree to be bound by these updated versions. You also acknowledge that we continue to visit our website after we update our privacy policy and/or cookies policy. The practices set forth in these updated policies will apply to our processing of your information and our use of cookies and similar technologies.

Every time you visit our website, you must check these terms of use and all other documents mentioned in it to ensure that you understand the terms that apply at the time.

The date of the latest modification of these Terms of Use and/or any other documents (including our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy) is listed at the top of the document and is called the "effective date" of the document.

5.Allow the use of materials on our website

The content on our website is for your personal, private, and non-commercial use only. You can print or share the content on our website for legitimate personal, private, and non-commercial purposes, or you can let others in your organization know about the content on our website. Without our prior written consent, you may not extract, copy, or distribute the content of our website in other ways.

Whenever you print, download, share or pass content to others from our website, you must not add or delete or otherwise modify any text on our website, nor change or change any images on our website, Media, or graphics. In any case, you must not remove any accompanying text from such images, media, or graphics, and you must ensure that all content passed to any third party is an accurate representation of that content on our website.

Without our prior written permission, you are prohibited from using any robot, spider, data mining or scraping technology or any similar third-party tool to extract or copy any data or content from our website.

Whenever you pass any content or material on our website to anyone, when you pass such content or material, you must acknowledge that we are the author of such content or material (or any other author approved by us) Office).

These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.